What is PHP? Programming Language

We all can agree with the fact that the most important aspect of a person’s professional/personal online identity is a web page which might seem and sound as a daunting and tedious task to not only create but also to manage since its built from the ground up instead of existing websites such as Facebook or LinkedIn which is more or less a collection of web pages. Fret not as I introduce you to a simple effective and well known language known as PHP.

What is PHP? And what does it stand for?

Php Projects

PHP is a server side scripting language which primarily functions as a web development tool and has is also a sidekick of being a really good general purpose programming language. Developed in 1994 by Zend technologies and designed by Rasmus Lerdorf it used to stand for Personal home page then in 1995 was given the name PHP tools and then finally in 1997 became a household name in web development with PHP: Hypertext pre-processor

Now I did say it creates webpages..but as an added bonous php dosent only create simple webpages it creates dynamic and interactive webpages which comes in different variations Facebook is the best example a brilliant and variant version of Php known as PHP AJAX

Note: If you are searching for free Php Projects with source code then you may follow this link.

To show you how simple it is to create a webpage I want you to show you how quick and easy it looks with the help of this example below

<!DOCTYPE html>

echo “My first PHP script!”;
?> </body>


“My first php script” on a different and whole new webpage and the best part is that it’s done in a couple of seconds just like that


Is the PHP opening tag


Is the closing tag

Echo is the instruction which tells PHP to put “My first PHP script” in the html

That’s not the only thing PHP can do as you can create your own html web forms Store information in databases , get history on your website users and lots more..

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